Privacy Policy - Forget The Brakes!

No personal information about the player or the player's device(s) is stored or used by the app developer in any way.

In some cases, best scores might be saved locally on the player's device. In some cases, these best score will be uploaded to Google's or Apple's game services, depending on the device's OS, along with the user's Google Play Games' username or iOS Game Center's username repectively.

These scores are never saved anywhere but in the player's device, and only uploaded to Google Play Games or iOS Game Center if the user's device has set up and agreed to Google's or Apple's terms of use for their respective game services

This game is made in Unity, please refer to their privacy policy at to learn about any data they might store

Privacy Policy - Off-Score

No personal information about the player or the player's device(s) is stored or used by the app developer in any way.

This game is made in Unity, please refer to their privacy policy at to learn about any data they might store

Ferran Bertomeu Castells